Join us in Wexford for the

Data Leaders’ Summit 2025!

Join your fellow data leaders in Whites of Wexford for two days of discussion, education, and network building.

  • Summit Day: 4 strategic topics, discussed in-depth, lead by a Keynote, a Panel Discussion, and Audience engagement – under Chatham House Rule so people can talk freely!
  • Master Class Day: Choose from either a FULL DAY Master Class Tutorial on Data Strategy led by John Ladley or a Half-Day session on Human Factors in Data-Related Change.

Networking Drinks, 12th March from 19:30

Conference delegates can join us for networking drinks in the Library Bar from 19:30hrs on the 12th March. Mingle and relax ahead of the Summit Day!

(Bar food menu available until 21:00)

Summit Delegate Dinner, 13th March

Join us in one of Wexford’s many restaurants for some old school social networking.


The Summit Day is the 13th of March and the Master Class Day is the 14th of March.

Note: all ticket prices are displayed exclusive of VAT/Sales Tax, which is added at the checkout when booking!

Groups or Special Requests

Groups of 3 or more delegates should contact Castlebridge (sales[at] to arrange booking and secure additional group booking discounts.

If you have any difficulties booking or want to book a variety of options for different delegates that isn’t supported by our booking options on this site, please contact sales[at]


March 13, 2025 - March 14, 2025    
All Day


Bookings are closed for this event.

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