The pragmatic realities of Data Driven change and Data Leadership as AI hype fades
Generative AI has tipped into the Trough of Disillusionment but do organisations have an opportunity to learn what is needed to build a sustainable AI-enabled future?

The hype around Large Language Models has begun to turn to disillusionment. Veterans of the data management profession see similarities with the DotCom boom and many hype cycles since. But, in every revolution there is the seed of evolution.
This session will look at some of the practical and pragmatic realities of data-driven change and the role of human factors in data leadership as we look to learn the key lessons to develop a sustainable data-enabled future. What are the pragmatic realities we need to face in order to build a Hybrid Intelligence for the future?
And what is the role of initiatives like the Irish National Data Governance Roadmap in helping to put these lessons into practice at a national, organisational, and individual level?
Focus Areas for Discussion
In this session, delegates will examine the pragmatic reality of AI adoption in organisations and the key factors that need to be considered to ensure success. Beyond the ”table stakes’ of regulatory compliance and the smorgasbord of technologies that are now branded as “AI”, what are the organisational, individual, and data-related realities we need to face into to ensure sustainable success for AI-related change in organisations?
Delegates will be asked to consider what the human/machine mix needs to be in the workplace and society of the future. They will explore the concept of Hybrid Intelligence and the critical role of human factors in sustainable data leadership.
Questions that may arise might include:
- How should we be planning for use of AI in organisations to make its adoption pragmatic, realistic, and effective?
- GenAI has promised much, why has it failed to deliver? (And what has it failed to deliver?)
- AI Governance vs Data Governance – which came first, the Chicken or the Egg?
- How can we build reliable data foundations for AI, and how can we use AI to build better data foundations?
Keynote Speaker

Tony Mazzarella
VP Data Management & Governance, AIGTony Mazzarella is a veteran data leader with extensive experience across NGO and Financial Services sectors. He is a former member of the DAMA International Board and served as President of DAMA New England. He is currently a PhD candidate in the University of Arkansas at Little Rock researching critical aspects of Data Governance practice.
Tony is the VP for Data Management and Data Governance with AIG, leading a team spread between the US, Ireland, and the UK.
Check back for Our Panellists
We are finalising the panellists for each session and will be announcing them over the coming weeks. Check back for more information!